Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Facebook Frenzy

So facebook has become a phenom which most mormons embrace. It's not 'myspace' and is a little bit more private and professional. It's 100% okay and I see nothing wrong with it. The church has not denouced facebook in any way. My sis-in-law disapproves but that's a whole nothing issue in itself.

Facebook also has become a hub of LDS single networking. I'm sent invites for activites and invitations to join groups. I fall into the "mid single" category and I love that fact that they have this. They have events, dances, firesides, lunches etc etc etc. You don't even have to know anybody you just have to search under facebook and find your local LDS single site and invite yourself. A great resource to use to make new friends and get yourself out there. There are facebook groups in every city and if not in yours than you should take the incentive and create one. The best thing about facebook.......You can also surf the pictures.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dee's Dance Review

So I did it. I did what I said I would never do. I went to the dreaded dance. Despite the fact that Curious Georgie had an awful experience at her first time, she is the one who FYI'd me to dances here in Utah called "Dee's Dances." I had asked other people and they had said they were indeed better than church dances, so when my girlfriend from my ward asked me to go I was somehow willing to go check it out. So here's my review. Keep in mind, I did go with very low expectations.

  • The dance itself was outside at trolley square. Great Atmosphere is always a plus.

  • I personally didn't like the DJ because I thought he played too much R&B/hip hop vs rock and country and it just isn't' my style. Maybe people don't care or don't appreciate the art of dancing like I do.

  • The food was good (most men commented to me how good it was so this must be a factor in why they choose Dee's Dances over Church sponsored) and nothing to complain about. Costco shoppers for sure.

  • The price is $9. I thought this was a little expensive but I am known to be cheap and haven't paid for dancing entertainment in many many of years. After all, it's not a cultural hall.

  • Plenty of people attended and every woman would have had the opportunity to dance and enough people were there that you didn't get to check out the majority.

  • Age was all over the map. I was definitely on the younger side and 65 was the higher side. Fit in that average in's perfect.

I danced with of course.....tons of weirdos. Plenty of characters to compete with all the horror stories I've heard from others. There were a handful of cute men. Tons of normal men....and three handfuls of 'certifyables' (these were my dancing partners). Would I go again? Sure, but I would definitely go with the same expectations of not meeting anyone. So if you don't mind dancing with strange characters and just like to get out and boogie. It's perfect for you. Take some girlfriends and go.

My next thing to conquer.............The horrid church dance.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Hard Day

I am at the end of a very hard day, one of the most difficult ones emotionally that I have had in about 6 months. This is saying a lot since I have only been divorced officially for 11 months and as we all know the emotions are all over the board. Does anyone else ever feel like they are being punished for some horrible thing they must have done to deserve this agony but can't think for the life of you what it was. Do you ever feel like you have many people and priorities that are number one in your life and you can't forget them for a second not even to sleep. That you take care of everyone and everything and there is nobody to take care of you or put you first? I know my ex takes care of himself and knowone else, the sun rises and sets on wether or not he is happy but I don't have that luxery because I am the responsible one and people are counting on me. UGH! I kinda get the whole Brittany Spears shaving the head thing, I could tear mine out sometimes when the crazy takes over.
Okay so maybe I am feeling sorry for myself and having a huge pitty party but darn it today was hard.


Shopping for Men

If you sit and think about it, online dating is kind of like being a kid before Christmas. Your mom gives you the JC Penny catalogue so you can search for the perfect gift, you look and look, circle the interesting ones, tag the pages and then pray that you will get it and that when you do it is as good as you thought it would be and looks like the picture.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wow What a Date!

I know that I just bashed online dating in my last entry but...I went on a date Friday night with a guy I met on a site. I will just put it out there, I had a great time! What a nice and very normal guy, I was doubting they existed and I was proven wrong. He was thoughtful, kind, well mannered, articulate, funny and fun. We went to dinner (Thai my favorite) went to listen to an outdoor band (another favorite) even danced. Browsed a bookstore and people watched (another of my faves) took a long long walk along the water and looked at the city lights. I got home at 3 am wow am I in high school again? No and I felt it the next day. Will I see him again? Absolutely. Have I changed my mind about there not being any good ones left? Yes.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What a Month!

Thank you Wild Wanda!
My dear and lovely friend Wild Wanda convinced me to try the online dating thing for one more month. "I promise I will not bother you about it again after that" yeah right. Well I am so glad she did, because who do I get a request from today but...Vaneer Man! If you do not know who that is then you have not been on this site for long and you need to go back and read some old entries. Oh boy and all because of Wild Wanda I got a message from him that simply said..."call me" and his number. Good thing he left his number because it has been deleted from my phone for a long time now and in case you are wondering, no I do not plan on calling. Been there done that.
Lets see this month there has been Vaneer Man, a 30 year old basketball player (just what I need) who told me I was "HOT" could do without that compliment. A crazy man who thought he could write, a really cute guy that could write but is hiding something (most likely still married), a 5 ft. 5 guy with 12 kids (yikes), a jobless/homeless Canadian(no thanks), and two nice guys that are still way hung up on thier ex wives. Hmmm not working out so well for me right now, but I am getting alot of knitting done and catching up on my sleep. I think I will go on another little online dating break for a while and build up my courage to try it again later. Wanda thanks for the entertainment I love you man!


Monday, August 10, 2009

Snafu should be my middle name

So here is the question of the day. Wild Wanda had a little bit of stress this weekend and found it a very thought provoking and tell tale sign of personalities. I left my cell phone and wallet in somebodies car! To be exact.... a dates car, of whom I have been out with several times. Now my first thought was to call him, but I didn't have his number. I usually just get it off my call list. Then my thoughts raced......He would find out that I didn't have him programmed in. Not a big deal really because I don't do this with anybody I date until three months into a relationship which is my d-day time. Then my mind really raced......My text messages! My wallet became the least of my worries.

Now here is where you really learn a great deal about yourself and others. I panicked. I mentally took note of all my text messages stored in my phone. Months of received and months of of sent messages. My secrets (at least that's how I felt) would be exposed and the worst part about it is that I didn't want this particular phone snatcher to get his feelings hurt or rather myself to be embarrassed. I thought about if the situation was reversed. Would I check somebodies phone if they left it in my car?

What I concluded is that it completely depends on whose phone was left. For example....if it were somebody like "Pancake Man" who wasn't honest and always was hiding something from the beginning, then I would take the opportunity of being that fly on the wall and have my questions answered. However if it were a sweet guy like "text message boy" I probably would respect his privacy like I know he would respect mine. I guess it is indeed quite the invasion of privacy and that's why I was so nervous. Phones are like a diary of our lives. Our calendars, emails, pictures and more. I don't even think I deleted the messages from that perverted "sexter" I ran across either. I hope he at least noted I didn't reply.

Whatever the answer may be it all lies with respect. If I feel somebody would respect me than I more than likely will give it in return. How about you? What would you have done in this situation. I'd love to hear the absolute truth. Take the poll or leave a comment.

And for all you worry warts who wonder about my phone. I did get it back.......................................I texted myself :)


Thursday, August 6, 2009

"the big dipper"

I can't really call him the old man because it would truly give him no justice. He was refined, good looking, charming, and one smooth operator. As we sat and talked his piercing aqua blue eyes against his silver hair seemed to draw me in a little farther with each moment of passing silence. I'd inevitable look away but his eyes never left. I made all the typical observations as you would when meeting anyone for the first time. The hug upon meeting me and how he held me longer and closer around the waist than needed, his shoes that were definitely younger than his age, and his west point physique that he obviously took pride in all these years later. He was direct in his questions, his interest, and his goals of which I totally appreciate. He was a catch.

It was a good date and it actually surprised me. He was using the best of both worlds to his advantage. His wisdom and experience (his age) and his innate youthfulness to gain the appreciation of a younger woman. I found myself wondering why all men aren't this smooth and when talking about it with another guy (a man technically but he's not quite there) he told me that "the big dipper" had to be smooth if he wanted to woo the younger woman. He'd just perfected the art. Was that his only goal or would he have acted in such a manner for a woman his own age or even 10 years younger vs. 20. Class is class and it can't be taken away. Despite what my younger friend thought...."the big dipper" had sex appeal and you can't take that away from him.

At the end of the day, my date and I are at different stages in life. He's a new grandparent and loving every minute of it. I'm still wanting more kids and embracing being a step parent. Though his presence was tempting to say the least, I'm not ready to be called nana. A great experience and I'm sure I'll call him when I'm in town again but until then.........I guess I'm stuck with the unrefined and more appropriate men. At least for my age.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

I date, therefore I google

In the year 2009 we have technology at our fingertips....and I truly mean at our fingertips. In the Internet age we can gather information for just about anything, and from just about anywhere. I think it's fair to say that the dating world has changed and that we aren't in Kansas anymore. There is more fraud, more scams, and more psychos to stay clear of.....And what do I have to say about that.

THANK GOODNESS FOR..................

If I have interest in you. I'll look you up. And if I don't find you on first attempt then I'll try try again (using bing or other search engines). At first one might think I'm obsessed or a even a bit of a stalker, however I'm just weeding out the bad from maybe the not so bad. I've giving myself useful information that you maybe won't dish out yourself. A little information never hurt anyone. It's not like I'm running their credit. But hey...that's not a bad idea either :)

Here are just a few things I have found out about some of the guys I have met.

- Address (still living with parents are we)
- Arrest for disorderly conduct (newspaper articles stay online for what seems eternity)
- Facebook Friends - a common friend will dish the real scoop!
- Posted YouTube videos - the good and the bad
-Employment History
- Candidacy for major
- Personal websites...for business or blogging.
-Real Estate complaints from unhappy clients

This might seem a little obsessive but I'm weeding out the bad. It's all from typing in the first and the last name. People have done it to why shouldn't I do it to them. After all, Curiosity killed the cat. The moral of the story is.......don't do anything you wouldn't want someone else to find out about. You can't hide anywhere.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Who are these Guys?

Old Guys Are Crazy

I meet this guy online and after exchanging a few e-mails he decides to impress me with an article he recently wrote about his singles dance experience. I thought I might share it with you and let everyone enjoy the stellar men available online, is he sane? Hmmmm "BLOCK"

Saturday, July 4, 2009

I don’t have the courage to revisit the experience…What I have written contains only a small tasteful explanation of last night:

As you walk up to pavilion at the park….All eyes are on you….You feel them like lasers burning into your soul…from the female side “Hmmmmm new meat” and from the Male side “Danger Will Robinson….Competition approaching…run Will Robinson…run Dr. Smith!

There you are standing, looking at all the eyes, expecting one set of them would at least welcome you.
My mind was called back to earlier in the morning when I said to myself…You know Jim….everyone has just got to experience just one of these.
I was then called up to driving to the outing…I found it difficult to steer with one hand and a gun pointed at my head in the other….Yes I had forced myself at gunpoint to go.
It was then that I came to the conclusion…..THE GUN WASN”T BIG ENOUGH!!!!

It was like being sucked back into my body from a dreamlike state…There I was still standing in front of 30+ people and several kids. I put out my hand and introduced myself to 3 people…a guy and a gal walked away…The other gal looked at me like I had just asked to “bed her grandmother”…slowly she shook my hand and said he name was “Ella Marie” or something like that.
I can tell you I showered, shaved, and carefully picked out a nice looking wardrobe…..I would have felt more at home and fit in better if I hadn’t showered, nor shaved and shown up in a G-String and Pastes!

Needless to say…it went downhill from there…It was just like the Julia Roberts marriage to Lyle Lovett…..You just said to yourself “THIS IS NOT RIGHT!!!”

I have been in a 24 hour tailspin…I think I have finally hit bottom! A Mormon Meat Market Singles Bar B Q in IDAHO!!!!
I believe now that THERE IS NO GOD! Not even a God with a Perfect Sense of Humor would do that to anyone!
As I walked back to the safety of my car (after the festivities were buried) I thought to myself….

Hmmmm…My wife, My kids, and Now my God has walked out on me, Right when I was in need of them most…..”Sounds like it’s time for a Cherry Coke!”

Was you experience anything like this one?!?!?!?


PS it was good to hear from you! Thank You


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Text Messaging

So this last month I received my cell phone bill and noticed I had gone over my text message limit for the month and was billed an additional $14. I was shocked and didn't believe that I could go over my 1000 texts a month. For heaven sakes I'm not some teenage girl who uses more acronyms than words. As I started thinking about it I realized that yes my text messages have increased and that the dating game is to blame.

Texting is becoming a standard for communication and a short simple way to contact somebody just to say hi, hello, what 'cha doing, and would you like to go out with me. It's quick and simple and men are using it more and more for communication. I laughed at text message man when he first asked me out that way but now I realize that he's not alone in his endeavours. I've been asked out, dumped, stood up, flirted, rescheduled, thanked and kissed all through my cell phone. It's instant communication and for the most part you know people will get it. Even in meetings, even on dates, and even just across the room.

Although at first I was a little opposed to it because I think it's a more intimate form of communication, I've found that I have accepted it. I'll reply back as to not be rude and I'm sure that's the additional $14 that I'll be paying this month. I might have to change my plan to just to accommodate the day and age but truly want my life to be simple. What happened to the good old days when you had to stop by for a visit and talk face to face. I like not being able to be reached and sometimes, and depending on the person, that's a really good thing.


Monday, July 13, 2009

Heartache is inevitable in dating. You like someone and they don't like you. Someone likes you and you don't like them. You have secret crushes, you fall in love, and their response back isn't what you have hoped. It's the dating game and though it isn't fun it is necessary to risk that pain for joy that could be yours in the future.

I do believe in love. There is nothing wrong with it. Although I don't need a man in my life, I certainly want and welcome one into it. I don't look too hard for it but when it happens I appreciate it. I don't fall in love easily and recently something of the sort happened to me. I liked the guy.....I honestly did. I fell in love despite my mind pulling me in the opposite direction. I knew he wasn't into me from the beginning. His actions proved that to me but yet I still wanted to give it a chance. Why? Because I'm not going to regret letting any guy go without thoroughly knowing he's not the one for me.

A friend used to tell me in college that within three dates you know if you could have a future with that person. I used to laugh and tell him that it was impossible to get to know someone in that time. However this second time around, I see it so much differently. I'm not into passing time and yes, within three dates and the right questions I can tell if there would be a future.

Now my recent heartache proves that risk is still involved. It doesn't mean that there will be a future on date #4 but it does mean that I'm continuing for a reason. I've passed time with so many men in my life and nothing beneficial came from it. I don't need a man, I just appreciate love. I'm a long term, loyal kind of girl and I'm not going to make the same mistake twice. I went on one too many dates with my ex-husband only because I didn't want the burden of causing him heartache. I can appreciate being dumped, the niceties that go along with it, not knowing the true reasons, second guessing yourself.....etc. etc. I just wish it didn't hurt so bad. But that indeed is the dating game and that's where I am in life. I'll risk the pain for the eternal joy that the future may hold.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

LDS Dating Sites

There are so many online dating sites geared to the single LDS person. Though I have only been on a few I found a good review of many at the following link. It saves time when somebody else has done the work. Check it out and let us know what you think and what you like and dislike about online dating.

My favorite is LDS singles but more than likely because it's easy and not too complicated of a website. I like sites simple to the eye and easy to understand. LDS planet seems to have many members but I'm not currently a member so what's the point.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lets Talk CoDependency

This may not be the best or most entertaining entry I have or will ever make, but I need to cover it because it is a part of my life and "single" journey.
The first time someone mentioned codependency to me in regards to myself was about 2 years ago in my counselors office. No way, I am not codependent and I dismissed it... Until my divorce and I started looking at it again in a different light, with my counselor. At the same time a good friend gave me a book and I am now in it's second reading, Codependent No More by Melody Beattie. The first time with an orange hi liter and this time a yellow one. I also found a packet given to me called "thinking errors". I tell you all of this so you can begin to understand my journey in emotional healing and maybe it will touch one of you and help you along your path as well.
After my divorce, I realized that I had very little personal identity left. I couldn't remember if the things I liked were because they were my likes or because they were part of my marriage or part of the person that I was expected to be. I could not seem to make a solid decision and did not trust my choices, I
felt a very real whole in my heart and in my life. I was lonely and desperate to replace or rebuild the dream I once had. Rebuilding the dream I had has to start with a very strong, happy and whole person one that is okay with herself. This is the journey I am on now and am feeling so happy to be working on me.
So what is codependency? "An emotional, psychological, and behavioral condition that develops as a result of an individuals prolonged exposure to, and practice or, a set of oppressive rules-rules which prevent the open expression of feeling as well as the direct discussion of personal and interpersonal problems". "Caretaker", "A person who has let another person's behavior affect him or her, and who is obsessed with controlling that person's behavior". "guilt", "codependents want to help but probably died thinking they didn't do enough and were feeling guilty".
I hope this will be the first of several entries I will make on this subject as I grow and change and work toward becoming the new and amazing woman I have the ability to be.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Blind Sided

As I approach the one year mark with my divorce...I thought I had about done all the firsts. First Christmas, first wedding anniversary, birthday, mothers day, ect. then. DA DA DA DA: Fathers Day and smack I was completely blind sided, I had no idea I would take it so hard. Maybe it was that there was know one to fix breakfast in bed for...wait that was kinda nice:) maybe it was the primary kids singing in sacrament meeting and my little one saying "well that was awkward, I was singing to know one" or maybe it was the priests in the ward all speaking about their fathers and their wonderful examples ect. except for my son and one other who's parents are also divorced. Or could it be that the "MIX" spent the entire weekend in a hotel with his new girlfriend in a near by town that we used to visit, and then picked up the children to have dinner with his family. Might I add that this was the first holiday that he has spent with his family and the first one I have not. Okay do I sound bitter or ranty? I was and I was having a major pity party as well, I cried my eyes out all day and spent the evening with my dad and brothers (I am sure they enjoyed my party as well) Don't get me wrong, I am happier divorced from the person my ex has become but there are certain firsts that are hard to swallow. This divorce thing is just a bad gig, it is painful and lonely and I am so glad to have great friends that help pull me through. The up side is that after a good nights sleep and a pound of eye cream for the bags Monday was a new day and I woke with a smile on my face and a spring in my step, I am blessed.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Online Dating Blues

So I think I've searched every cute guy under LDS singles online possible. I've even expanded my age bracket up and down to capture anyone that might be under the radar. In new efforts in experimenting I put up more photos. It's hilarious!! At first I was going to be totally sarcastic in my pictures but then my pride did get the best of me. So I put normal pictures. We'll see what happens and if I get more activity. It's not like it matters but I figured I'd follow my own rule of thumb and have a profile picture within the last 6 months. Time is sure passing fast. I'm happy to be divorced! As hard as it is to be single it is sooooo worth not being married to that man again. It's been 7 months!! WOW.....Why am I trying so hard to find a stellar guy (I have found a few)....because my womb is becoming more shriveled every day. Motivation will make you do the craziest thing. I even posted a body shot :)


Tuesday, June 9, 2009


What the?
So what is one to do when a 20 something really cute guy at the local Oil Can Henry's
flirts and then asks for your phone number? With all the other guys around you can't embarrass him and say no or Hello I am like old enough to be your mother! So what are the rules with this? Wow this is a complicated life this single thing.


The Great Date

We all hate the first date thing, you have to go over all the details...AGAIN. And you never know if you will see the guy again, or if you will want to. I try to get out there and at least meet the guys I have been talking with so I can either delete ( which is normally the case) their number from my phone or add the photo I.D. and hope for the best. Lately I have been so sick of the first date and so disappointed in the LDS men I have met that I was on a little break. I canceled all of my online accounts and decided to lay low for a while, UNTIL...the big D sent me a text. Ok so D and I have been texting and talking on the phone for about 3 months off and on. He is really fun and funny and we seem to talk easily and have a lot in common but since his divorce is not final (even though he has been separated for 2 years) I told him I needed to step back and he could contact me when it was done. So the text arrives and he is in Portland and wants to meet, what does a girl do...curiosity got the better of curious Georgie and I went to meet him. How could a date be better, it wasn't the activity it was the company! He was so cute (better then the pictures) He paid for everything, wouldn't even hear of me paying my own way, opened my doors and was 100% attentive. He even shopped at the kitchen store with me! I really enjoyed myself. Crap now I am left wondering about him and no the divorce is still not over! UGH.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dating is not for the faint of heart

Four is my record so far and literally it was 100% absolutely no fun whatsoever. What am I talking about? Four dates in one week. I don't know what I was thinking or what made me so motivated to meet and greet but it was tiring and harder than I'll get out!. It wasn't fun and they were all first dates and by the end of the week I never wanted to round up a babysitter again.

That's what is so hard about meeting people. It totally is the first impression that matters. When you meet somebody out and about you already form your first impression so a date might be exciting or something you look forward too. Without that you're left with waiting for it to end if the chemistry isn't there! Don't get me wrong...I make the best of it and laugh and smile but by the end I for sure know that I'm not interested. And that's what happened with all four dates.......Not interested in a one of them and I started to think that Pancake man was not a bad option.

Please let me know when I'll see the results of my workout. Maybe I should talk more on the phone instead of just jumping to meet people. However I never want to have an experience like Curious Georgie. Much to traumatizing for that.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Follow Up Profile Pictures

Georgie hit it right on. False advertising for pictures is the worst kind of dishonesty in the online dating world. I recently went to meet a guy for lunch and didn't recognize him as already being at the restaurant and sat down to wait for him. When he approached (I looked like my picture apparently) I completely had never seen him before and wondered if he had approached the wrong person. Please use the following for a rule of thumb no matter what your gender.

1. Make the picture current! Don't include pictures from your mission unless you have returned home in the last five years and still have your hair. Current means within the last six months.

2. Don't put pretty pictures of scenery with no people. That just makes us think you're too embarrassed to be in them.

3. We understand the kid thing but I'm not sure why people include pictures of their children without them in it. It's not like we're going to evaluate you by your children to see if your ex was cute and if you have the genetics for cute kids.

4. Don't do matter what the pressure is....don't include the self portrait of your reflection taken in the bathroom. I'm not sure why men have an obsession with doing this but 1 out of 3 guys probably have this picture. Do women do this too? I haven't surfed to find out but maybe it works and I'm the one missing out. Maybe I'll take my camera to Nordstroms for the skinny mirror effect :)


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A picture speaks a thousand words?

On a casual browse one evening on an LDS dating site I believe I struck gold. After all the guy I am looking at in pictures seems to be perfect. He is local, children raised, close to my age and an active church member. I send him a message. Okay so as most of these encounters go we talk on the phone and wow he seems funny and a little sarcastic which is a must for curious Georgie. I begin to ask him questions about the 25 pictures he has on his profile and I get kind of vague answers on all of them, let me explain. I begin with photo one which is of him in medical scrubs and a stethoscope around his neck and he states that doctoring is what he loves...hmmm I am thinking he must be a doctor right? So I ask...what kind of physician are you and he tells me "I do en do work mostly" allrighty then, I have no idea what that means so I call a friend and she explains it and wow I am impressed. Photo #2 is him standing in front of a new BMW and an airplane...okay with the career part answered I am left to believe he owns his own plane, especially since photos like 3-12 are him in various states of flight. Photos 12-whatever are of him on exotic vacations garbed out in BMW attire ect. And then photos of him on the farm with a big piece of equipment and children and vegetables! Can you see where this may be going? I through pictures was led to believe that this guy was 1. a doctor 2. owned his own plane 3. lived on a farm or a least owned one and 4. had young children. What DR. Boy didn't count on was me knowing his sister and her family! Now the truth comes out and boy did it come out.
1. medical assistant (still a great career but why lie about it)
2. friends plane
3. lives with mom and dad
4. not active in church
5. parents farm
6. friends children


Monday, May 18, 2009

online LDS dating

On every 'Meet and Greet' there are so many differences in Men. Some men hug when they meet you, others shake your hand, others stand quite a ways back and inevitably there is always the close talker with bad breathe. Even in the way they ask you out differs. Some ask over an email, some over the phone and most recently I've lined up two dates with the same guy through text messages (we'll call him textman in the future) never having talked with him.

Most men prefer something easy and light for the meet and greet. Lunch is perfect in my opinion. Short and sweet and you definitely know if you're interested from just one hour of talking and eating....or awkward silences while you slowly chew your food. I always meet at a specific location though several guys have been willing to pick me up. Hello people!! You could be a psycho killer so don't let them know where you live out of the shoot.

After, it's always that lingering goodbye stage that defines what will happen next. Some men shake your hand again, others hug, and some probably want to run as fast as they can to get away.......especially from me.......who probably filled in those awkward silences with bad small talk and silly stories. It's one of my talents for sure.

What is the norm for all this? What happens with other people? Are the meet and greet as awkward for them as they are for me? I hate blind dates and I prefer meeting quicker in person than having a cyberspace relationship. Nothing says chemistry than a face to face contact. You can learn more by your first impression than months of getting to know each other through emails and instant messages.

Let us know your experience so I'm not left in the dark. Maybe I'm doing it all wrong :)


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

On LDS singles there is a 'interview' portion of the profile that asks what is your ideal first date. Personally I don't count the 'meet and greet' as a first date but according to some guys, they count it as a lead up to the big kiss (if they even make it that far.) However a date is truly an outing, and activity and yes as some people prefer......a sporting event. If paying close attention to anything other thing than my picture in my profile one would read ideal date.......Dinner and a movie......the classic of all first dates. Unless I'm a fan...a sporting event is about the last thing I'd want to go to when never have met a person before.

Recently while OUT OF STATE I got a call from a guy who had tickets to a Lakers game and wanted me to go with him. I was told by him and by several other people that I had to go and that there was no way I could turn the opportunity down. B-Ball-Boy as he will now be called told me that the girl he was planning on going with had a last minute change of plans and since he knew I was in California (yes he's from SLC and flew down just to meet this girl) he thought he'd give me a try. I was totally upfront with him and told him I wasn't a basketball fan and usually attend one a year just to get my fill. He didn't mind and off I went.

It was awkward. Granted a first date but ultimately the meet and greet from online dating. A hotel lobby rendezvous with small talk and excitement for him to get to the game. The seating was good and I did google on the way to see who was playing (I know I'm truly out of touch with the sports world, though I had know clue what city the Rockets were from until we got there).

Fun yes....but for a first date....absolutely not. We could have stayed and talked at his Hotel but by the time traffic cleared and I headed back to my parents it would be way to late for this early riser. No kiss, just a weird hug, and the promise he'd call me again. I'm okay if he doesn't......I would hate to be invited to another sporting event...I've had my fill of hot dogs and over crazed fans...and yes I'm referring to B-Ball-Boy.


Friday, May 8, 2009

The Meat and Potatoes of Being Single

As much as both Curious Georgie and I have our adventures we also have and experience the real life of being single. It isn't always about dates and going out but rather the day to day of feelings of what has happened. We ultimately are wading alone in the waters of celestial marriages, a family centered religion, and the crazy world that we live in.

We are not the first to tread these waters, nor will we be the last. We hope that this blog will offer support for any of those who feel alone, or feel that their world has caved in. Many have built their lives around "single" and as much as this label defines them it is not the life they would choose. Some enjoy the recreation of dating and ample free time to do as they want. Others won't stay single long and will move on in their lives as quickly as they came. Whatever it may be we hope to offer a distraction here at FUNPOT to your normal everyday lives. Because after all....we've learned that nobody is exactly normal and everybody needs to know they are not alone.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you. I wish you a beautiful day wherever you may be. ~Wanda


Friday, April 24, 2009

Embarrasing Situation #1

So in my attempts to date and continue to get myself out there, I made a horrible snafu mixup! I keep my inner circle pretty tight which means I'm not programming every tom, dick, or harry into my phone contact list. I communicate through text messages and when they call I've learned to recognize numbers. However, in my old age I've learned I really can't keep so much information in my head.

I text message ChaCha man. He responds with a smile and is upbeat. I ask him what he's doing and try my hardest to flirt a little (I am the worst flirt in the world!). I get a message back asking me what I'm doing and if I want to meet. We make plans and off I go. But low and behold when I show up there is no ChaCha man. Instead......It's skierboy #6! Of whom....I don't really like and had no intentions of ever contacting again.

So the next hour was spent making small talk while #6 tried to turn on his charm. My entire thoughts were occupied with why my God up above placed me in the dating pool once again. I don't remember enjoying the first time around. Let alone this time when the selections are few, with less hair on top that seems to have slipped down to their back. Please let Mr. Right come fast!!!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Body Shot

When dating online you run into the messages from guys that say, "you're cute! Do you have any more pictures?" This always makes me laugh........translated this means, "you're cute! Do you have any body shots?" I've even been asked directed point blank if I have a body shot I can send to them. I am always polite and I always oblige and send them the picture below. I truly think it keeps them guessing.

The thing about women is that we don't too often ask men for the body shot. We accept the pictures of their heads for who they are. We see the pictures with them in socks and tevas and we accept least until we meet them and see the whole package. It's the double standard of the world that will follow women where ever they go.

Society tries to educated women on having good body image but it doesn't matter how good of body image they have for themselves. It's the men who are setting the standard of what we need to be. Why aren't we educating them? Where are the magazine articles in Men's health saying how a healthy woman doesn't need to be a size 4. I know...I'm on a rant but seriously men, is it really about a women's size in how she makes you feel like a man. Get over it and work on yourself.

But I to fall prey to the standards of society. I think the woman above should definitely spanks!


Friday, April 17, 2009

Quote of the Day

My friend just brought me this quote yesterday to add to my collection. Thanks Jody

A woman is like a tea bag
you never know how strong she is
until she gets in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt

This can go for men as well, so today let's harness that strength and show it to the world. Onward and upward.


Singles Sites

Are we all really so shallow that we need the silly little flirts on the singles web sites? How many times do I see the flirt "I'm interested in you :)" Hmmmm if you are really interested and want me to be back then SAY something. Okay and then if I may finish my venting thought...if for some reason I sent you a message back, ( a real message with sentences not pictures) would you respond? I really think some men just go through the search thing, look for cute women and flirt with as many as they can to see who responds. Wow, this is kind of like Internet shopping. We see something that looks good, read about it a little decide if we would like to try it out and push the add to shopping cart button. I wonder if they offer easy returns?


Monday, April 13, 2009

Tip for the Day

Dear Men of the world,

Please when out of a date or with any woman for that manner, don't check out other women. Don't gawk, eye, check out their cup size, or even imagine whatever you imagine about them. It is absolutely 100% rude. It shows a lot about your character and who you are on the inside. Wouldn't you want to be more discrete about your faults and character? As my dad used to tell his Young Men in his ward when he was a bishop. It's natural to notice but it's wrong to keep looking.

For goodness sakes. I'm not a jealous lady or insecure with who I am but I certainly am not going to run out and get a boob job for you to notice me. You're not worth it. You already revealed your character or lack thereof.

Sincerely, (and sayonara dude!)


Monday, April 6, 2009

What am I doing here?

Single Adult Dance #1 (and only)

How do I get talked into these things? How is it that people can make things sound so fun and exciting and against my better judgment I give in? So I let myself be convinced that the singles dances are good and fun and we just go to have a great time. Well I plan to go with a group of fellow singles and we do dinner first and head over to the dance. Now keep in mind I have been opposed to these things because it feels like I am 14 again and going to the stake dances. Standing around and trying to avoid the yucky guys. Only now I am 41 and doing the same thing, and yes it was just like I thought. I walked in and saw the meager decorations the lame music and 4 people dancing. Oh did I mention they were over 60 and waltzing? I thought right then I was going to barf, I felt ill seriously...after all I did not belong here, I have been married for 20 years what was I doing? I went in for a min. and had to go sit outside to find the courage to return. I was told that if I just hung out for a while the younger crowd would arrive and I would feel better. Well they were right...about 10:00 the crowd my age started to arrive and my choices got better. Now I could choose from "Robot Boy" the guy in a black fedora and black and white patten leather shoes doing the robot dance; or the little person in a wheel chair (nice guy I am sure) or the man with one leg on crutches (kinda cute). Well I did not dance very much and don't plan to return until I take a few ballroom dance lessons or turn 60.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Question of the Day

If someone calls and said he just called to say I supposed to call him back to say Hi as well? Am I Socially Retarded or what. Curious Georgie can get a date by just thinking about it and I have to run circles and then end up running away. Courage level = zero for this dish!


Sushi Man

Well not all dates are funny and interesting, and not all of the dips are dips. Hmmm.
As I was planning my weekend on Friday afternoon, I mentioned to my girls that I would like a sushi date for Saturday night. I was laughing while I was mentioning this and not intending to actually get one. As soon as I made mention...I got a text message from a guy I met on Match. We made a sushi date for Sat. night and I planned to meet him at the restaurant. The sushi was great, the company was good and well there is nothing funny or overly amazing to add after this one. Sushi man is a nice guy just out there lookin for a nice woman to float his boat.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Survival Foods of the Day!

What are your Daily Survival Foods? We all have them.
  1. Georgie is caving for buttermilk pancakes today. Friday
  2. Georgie is trying to have no survival foods today so she can shed 10 pounds. Bring on the raw almonds.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Baby Steps People

I did it! I sent an email back to a guy. Now I'm sure it sounds like an easy thing to do but I totally am not into the online thing so it was definitely putting myself out there. He sent me his email and telephone number (like I would ever call...maybe that's why I don't have dates :0). He's cute and he totally started the email convo with a skiing story. HELLO!!! I hate winter...but yet that is how these guys are breaking the ice. Telling me how great the powder is. Can't I find a guy who endlessly loves summer? Oh well, back to the issue at hand. Appetizer #9, I'll wait for your reply


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cell Phone Ettiquete

Last Night I was text messaged that Pancake Man was standing me up. We'd only made plans the night before and he stated that he was wide open the entire week!

Here's the text: Hi Wanda! You are going to kill me! I totally forgot but I told a girl from high school that we would get together on wednesday. I totally spaced it.
New text: Can we Reschedule?
My text back: Maybe another time. Have fun!
My later text after I thought about that I truly did put myself out there for this guy who kept telling me how fun and cute I was. I was a little disappointed that he didn't call but I think I just got the old heave ho. But so classy! Standing me up through a text.

I'm sure this text will for sure be the clincher of him not calling again. Pancake Man is no longer online. Could he have found Mrs. Right so quickly after our first date. After all....he'd found Mrs. Right two times before as well. He truly was nice and funny though....but obviously had no manners. All I can say is......Pancake've missed out.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

About Us

Curious Georgie
I am a single mother of 3 wonderful kids, I was married for 20 years and am now on my own and learning to soar! I am a mother, student, hairdresser, daughter, sister, friend and wonderfully happy LDS woman. I am a lover of quotes and enjoy the inspiration and humor found in them. I am a genuinely happy person who has found her voice and chooses to use it. "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anyone can start today to make a new ending".

Wild Wanda
Wanda was my grandmothers name. She used to have an apron that she wore that said, "everything I love is either illegal, immoral or fattening". This pretty much sums up my situation except I'm an active LDS woman keepin it G rated. Being married for 7.5 years I finally made the split. Now, I reclaim my life and am looking for a stellar man......As hard and uncomfortable as it may be. I am a mother of 1 and proud to be who and where I am.


Mormon Women

.....finding our way.

LDS Dating it's finest.

Single LDS Women

.......way better than any cassarole!

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