Monday, June 22, 2009

Online Dating Blues

So I think I've searched every cute guy under LDS singles online possible. I've even expanded my age bracket up and down to capture anyone that might be under the radar. In new efforts in experimenting I put up more photos. It's hilarious!! At first I was going to be totally sarcastic in my pictures but then my pride did get the best of me. So I put normal pictures. We'll see what happens and if I get more activity. It's not like it matters but I figured I'd follow my own rule of thumb and have a profile picture within the last 6 months. Time is sure passing fast. I'm happy to be divorced! As hard as it is to be single it is sooooo worth not being married to that man again. It's been 7 months!! WOW.....Why am I trying so hard to find a stellar guy (I have found a few)....because my womb is becoming more shriveled every day. Motivation will make you do the craziest thing. I even posted a body shot :)


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Mormon Women

.....finding our way.

LDS Dating it's finest.

Single LDS Women

.......way better than any cassarole!

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