online LDS dating
On every 'Meet and Greet' there are so many differences in Men. Some men hug when they meet you, others shake your hand, others stand quite a ways back and inevitably there is always the close talker with bad breathe. Even in the way they ask you out differs. Some ask over an email, some over the phone and most recently I've lined up two dates with the same guy through text messages (we'll call him textman in the future) never having talked with him.
Most men prefer something easy and light for the meet and greet. Lunch is perfect in my opinion. Short and sweet and you definitely know if you're interested from just one hour of talking and eating....or awkward silences while you slowly chew your food. I always meet at a specific location though several guys have been willing to pick me up. Hello people!! You could be a psycho killer so don't let them know where you live out of the shoot.
After, it's always that lingering goodbye stage that defines what will happen next. Some men shake your hand again, others hug, and some probably want to run as fast as they can to get away.......especially from me.......who probably filled in those awkward silences with bad small talk and silly stories. It's one of my talents for sure.
What is the norm for all this? What happens with other people? Are the meet and greet as awkward for them as they are for me? I hate blind dates and I prefer meeting quicker in person than having a cyberspace relationship. Nothing says chemistry than a face to face contact. You can learn more by your first impression than months of getting to know each other through emails and instant messages.
Let us know your experience so I'm not left in the dark. Maybe I'm doing it all wrong :)
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