Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Hard Day

I am at the end of a very hard day, one of the most difficult ones emotionally that I have had in about 6 months. This is saying a lot since I have only been divorced officially for 11 months and as we all know the emotions are all over the board. Does anyone else ever feel like they are being punished for some horrible thing they must have done to deserve this agony but can't think for the life of you what it was. Do you ever feel like you have many people and priorities that are number one in your life and you can't forget them for a second not even to sleep. That you take care of everyone and everything and there is nobody to take care of you or put you first? I know my ex takes care of himself and knowone else, the sun rises and sets on wether or not he is happy but I don't have that luxery because I am the responsible one and people are counting on me. UGH! I kinda get the whole Brittany Spears shaving the head thing, I could tear mine out sometimes when the crazy takes over.
Okay so maybe I am feeling sorry for myself and having a huge pitty party but darn it today was hard.


tracey September 10, 2009 at 7:56 AM  

Wish you had a box for "I'm sorry."

Curious Georgie September 10, 2009 at 8:07 AM  

Thank you will be better :)

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