Friday, April 24, 2009

Embarrasing Situation #1

So in my attempts to date and continue to get myself out there, I made a horrible snafu mixup! I keep my inner circle pretty tight which means I'm not programming every tom, dick, or harry into my phone contact list. I communicate through text messages and when they call I've learned to recognize numbers. However, in my old age I've learned I really can't keep so much information in my head.

I text message ChaCha man. He responds with a smile and is upbeat. I ask him what he's doing and try my hardest to flirt a little (I am the worst flirt in the world!). I get a message back asking me what I'm doing and if I want to meet. We make plans and off I go. But low and behold when I show up there is no ChaCha man. Instead......It's skierboy #6! Of whom....I don't really like and had no intentions of ever contacting again.

So the next hour was spent making small talk while #6 tried to turn on his charm. My entire thoughts were occupied with why my God up above placed me in the dating pool once again. I don't remember enjoying the first time around. Let alone this time when the selections are few, with less hair on top that seems to have slipped down to their back. Please let Mr. Right come fast!!!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Body Shot

When dating online you run into the messages from guys that say, "you're cute! Do you have any more pictures?" This always makes me laugh........translated this means, "you're cute! Do you have any body shots?" I've even been asked directed point blank if I have a body shot I can send to them. I am always polite and I always oblige and send them the picture below. I truly think it keeps them guessing.

The thing about women is that we don't too often ask men for the body shot. We accept the pictures of their heads for who they are. We see the pictures with them in socks and tevas and we accept least until we meet them and see the whole package. It's the double standard of the world that will follow women where ever they go.

Society tries to educated women on having good body image but it doesn't matter how good of body image they have for themselves. It's the men who are setting the standard of what we need to be. Why aren't we educating them? Where are the magazine articles in Men's health saying how a healthy woman doesn't need to be a size 4. I know...I'm on a rant but seriously men, is it really about a women's size in how she makes you feel like a man. Get over it and work on yourself.

But I to fall prey to the standards of society. I think the woman above should definitely spanks!


Friday, April 17, 2009

Quote of the Day

My friend just brought me this quote yesterday to add to my collection. Thanks Jody

A woman is like a tea bag
you never know how strong she is
until she gets in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt

This can go for men as well, so today let's harness that strength and show it to the world. Onward and upward.


Singles Sites

Are we all really so shallow that we need the silly little flirts on the singles web sites? How many times do I see the flirt "I'm interested in you :)" Hmmmm if you are really interested and want me to be back then SAY something. Okay and then if I may finish my venting thought...if for some reason I sent you a message back, ( a real message with sentences not pictures) would you respond? I really think some men just go through the search thing, look for cute women and flirt with as many as they can to see who responds. Wow, this is kind of like Internet shopping. We see something that looks good, read about it a little decide if we would like to try it out and push the add to shopping cart button. I wonder if they offer easy returns?


Monday, April 13, 2009

Tip for the Day

Dear Men of the world,

Please when out of a date or with any woman for that manner, don't check out other women. Don't gawk, eye, check out their cup size, or even imagine whatever you imagine about them. It is absolutely 100% rude. It shows a lot about your character and who you are on the inside. Wouldn't you want to be more discrete about your faults and character? As my dad used to tell his Young Men in his ward when he was a bishop. It's natural to notice but it's wrong to keep looking.

For goodness sakes. I'm not a jealous lady or insecure with who I am but I certainly am not going to run out and get a boob job for you to notice me. You're not worth it. You already revealed your character or lack thereof.

Sincerely, (and sayonara dude!)


Monday, April 6, 2009

What am I doing here?

Single Adult Dance #1 (and only)

How do I get talked into these things? How is it that people can make things sound so fun and exciting and against my better judgment I give in? So I let myself be convinced that the singles dances are good and fun and we just go to have a great time. Well I plan to go with a group of fellow singles and we do dinner first and head over to the dance. Now keep in mind I have been opposed to these things because it feels like I am 14 again and going to the stake dances. Standing around and trying to avoid the yucky guys. Only now I am 41 and doing the same thing, and yes it was just like I thought. I walked in and saw the meager decorations the lame music and 4 people dancing. Oh did I mention they were over 60 and waltzing? I thought right then I was going to barf, I felt ill seriously...after all I did not belong here, I have been married for 20 years what was I doing? I went in for a min. and had to go sit outside to find the courage to return. I was told that if I just hung out for a while the younger crowd would arrive and I would feel better. Well they were right...about 10:00 the crowd my age started to arrive and my choices got better. Now I could choose from "Robot Boy" the guy in a black fedora and black and white patten leather shoes doing the robot dance; or the little person in a wheel chair (nice guy I am sure) or the man with one leg on crutches (kinda cute). Well I did not dance very much and don't plan to return until I take a few ballroom dance lessons or turn 60.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Question of the Day

If someone calls and said he just called to say I supposed to call him back to say Hi as well? Am I Socially Retarded or what. Curious Georgie can get a date by just thinking about it and I have to run circles and then end up running away. Courage level = zero for this dish!


Sushi Man

Well not all dates are funny and interesting, and not all of the dips are dips. Hmmm.
As I was planning my weekend on Friday afternoon, I mentioned to my girls that I would like a sushi date for Saturday night. I was laughing while I was mentioning this and not intending to actually get one. As soon as I made mention...I got a text message from a guy I met on Match. We made a sushi date for Sat. night and I planned to meet him at the restaurant. The sushi was great, the company was good and well there is nothing funny or overly amazing to add after this one. Sushi man is a nice guy just out there lookin for a nice woman to float his boat.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Survival Foods of the Day!

What are your Daily Survival Foods? We all have them.
  1. Georgie is caving for buttermilk pancakes today. Friday
  2. Georgie is trying to have no survival foods today so she can shed 10 pounds. Bring on the raw almonds.


Mormon Women

.....finding our way.

LDS Dating it's finest.

Single LDS Women

.......way better than any cassarole!

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