Who are these Guys?

Saturday, July 4, 2009
I don’t have the courage to revisit the experience…What I have written contains only a small tasteful explanation of last night:
As you walk up to pavilion at the park….All eyes are on you….You feel them like lasers burning into your soul…from the female side “Hmmmmm new meat” and from the Male side “Danger Will Robinson….Competition approaching…run Will Robinson…run Dr. Smith!
There you are standing, looking at all the eyes, expecting one set of them would at least welcome you.
My mind was called back to earlier in the morning when I said to myself…You know Jim….everyone has just got to experience just one of these.
I was then called up to driving to the outing…I found it difficult to steer with one hand and a gun pointed at my head in the other….Yes I had forced myself at gunpoint to go.
It was then that I came to the conclusion…..THE GUN WASN”T BIG ENOUGH!!!!
It was like being sucked back into my body from a dreamlike state…There I was still standing in front of 30+ people and several kids. I put out my hand and introduced myself to 3 people…a guy and a gal walked away…The other gal looked at me like I had just asked to “bed her grandmother”…slowly she shook my hand and said he name was “Ella Marie” or something like that.
I can tell you I showered, shaved, and carefully picked out a nice looking wardrobe…..I would have felt more at home and fit in better if I hadn’t showered, nor shaved and shown up in a G-String and Pastes!
Needless to say…it went downhill from there…It was just like the Julia Roberts marriage to Lyle Lovett…..You just said to yourself “THIS IS NOT RIGHT!!!”
I have been in a 24 hour tailspin…I think I have finally hit bottom! A Mormon Meat Market Singles Bar B Q in IDAHO!!!!
I believe now that THERE IS NO GOD! Not even a God with a Perfect Sense of Humor would do that to anyone!
As I walked back to the safety of my car (after the festivities were buried) I thought to myself….
Hmmmm…My wife, My kids, and Now my God has walked out on me, Right when I was in need of them most…..”Sounds like it’s time for a Cherry Coke!”
Was you experience anything like this one?!?!?!?
PS it was good to hear from you! Thank You Read more...