Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What is Wrong with ME?

Okay...Way to many of these out there.

I am starting to think there may be something wrong with me.
I have had so many hilarious dating episodes in the short amount of time I have been out there participating. I don't know where to start. Hmmmmm
Okay I have got it, how about from the beginning!
Before I post I will leave my disclaimer...the names in these stories have been changed to protect the not so innocent.

Veneer Man:
So I went about meeting guys on line and had a ton of fun visiting then things took a turn. I met Veneer Man and the online business ended and turned to phone conversations. Great guy, stable, out going, confident and way into me! Okay so all is great right...then he says he is coming to meet me YIKES! Am I thin enough, my hair okay? Oh dear what if he thinks I am ugly or too old or...Oh crap what am I going to do? He schedules a flight and says he is staying for a week! I did make sure his flight was refundable and said ok. Now before we go on all must understand that I was told he was 47 years old and very romantic blah blah blah. I wait at the airport and can't believe my eyes...the first thing I see is a gleaming smile from about 50 yards away! (New Veneers) and the romance? Well how about trying to kiss me at the baggage claim on a sneak attack? Whoa tiger I don't think so! And then as the day wore (I mean Wore) on I began to wonder if the 47 years was a little bit of an exaggeration. Do 47 year olds usually have sagging ear lobs, a hunched back, bad bad bad skin (okay that I can understand) and inform you that they has 3 large microwaves in their kitchen that they use on a regular basis cause non of them are broken yet.
Well nice enough guy and pretty eyes but he did go home after day 2. I let him spend Sunday watching sports for 6 plus hours while I took a nap and fixed dinner and cleaned up dinner hmmm. Wondering why he left early yet?


Mormon Women

.....finding our way.

LDS Dating

......at it's finest.

Single LDS Women

.......way better than any cassarole!

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